Kids Leaving Sports | Teen Ink

Kids Leaving Sports

June 3, 2015
By cameron123456 BRONZE, Amherst, New York
cameron123456 BRONZE, Amherst, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Most kids today isn’t really focus and determined on what the task at hand they have in front of them, referring to as sports most kids are not really focus on sports. Kids this these days aren't as motivated and involved with sports as the used to be, they are involved with video games ,the pressure from parents and coaches  not receiving playing time,and not having fun.

Kids focus is off the wall it's and not focus on sports the focus is going home and playing video games and not on the sport they are playing the sport that is important because it's teaching kids to drop sports and everything they do. 75%of kids quits sports by the age of 12(scott lancaster,2012) many say just when new games come out they tend to mess up the kids focus.  Kids are all ready lose focus as it goes on so games just give kids a reason to stop going to practice and stop caring about the sport anymore.

Most  explained they are just not having fun anymore they complain that it’s just too much" standing around not enough interaction with one another" kids from why we quit sports .com. Kids down time together has effectively change the way they think and referred to the game that most of them just want to quit more and more each day . Kids today are not as arnt modified to have as much down time as the do in sports these days causes,of all the electronics that many do not find interest in going out side and playing sports.

Kids these days while performing are under too much pressure from parents teachers and coaches kids being under these pressure causes them to make errors (TBS Videos shows ). People who are in charge of the sport are making negative comments to kids that make them feel pressured while they bring them down and ruining there over all child Experience while being involved in sports. Many kids just don't or can't perform well while being under pressure in sports.

Kids alone are very depressing but when kids join sports and they don't get a lot of playing time or a decent amount of playing time they deserve because coaches play favorites in the same kids so when they lose they don't know who to blame because it's no one fault but the one who didn't play the right people most kids feel that the culture of sports has changed (Lancaster ,2012) .most kids just drop a sport cause of not playing together.

Kids love video games most kids that's all they focus in while being in the house most kids are 24/7 gamers always on the games most kids quit sports because they don't have time to balance their game and sports kids are becoming more and more lazy just to play games the to go out side and play sports. I'm not saying kids are really lazy it's just they care more about what's on a little tv contoled by a joystick they don't want to be outside.

Many kids feel as if there focus is manly on sports and nothing but sports they changed the way people feel about sports by being involed on a championship team most moms feel that winning is not the only measure of success. George Washington university say 9 out of 10 kids calm they are focus and chase glory when it comes to sports.

Most kids drop sports because of pressure ,kids are destroyed every day with video games. It's just crazy how kids can't even just have fun with sport they are playing with out having to deal with people pressue them and dealing with other distractions .

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