Are Schools Giving Too Much Homework? | Teen Ink

Are Schools Giving Too Much Homework?

March 23, 2016
By SeungJae BRONZE, Hochiminh City, Other
SeungJae BRONZE, Hochiminh City, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you think giving like ton of homework each day will make the students smarter? The research said that it will actually make students more angry, stressed and that will cause the grades to decrease because they can’t focus in class by the cause of homework which will make you stay up late at home. Nowadays teenagers are getting a lot of homework from schools, academy and other classes. School should reduce the amount of homework they give to the students. Homework can cause students to be more stressful, it will make the students sleep late at night. Although homework can give you some stress and take your sleeping time. Homework can also give some some knowledge about some topics, Homeworks helps students to work hard also Some researchers said that homework gives you time management, that helps students to finish their homework in time.

Some research have shown that student are getting so much homework and that could give some students a really big stress. That could cause the students get frustrated and also they can get sick by too much stress. Once I had too much stress and I got nervous about everything even talking to my parents I felt so nervous that I started to bite my nails. Stress will cause students to be mad most of the time, I had a friend who was really stressed out and when I talk to him he would just shout at me and when that happens I have to leave him alone for a while until he calms down. To reduce stress you have to take a break when you think you have too much stress and also breath in and breath out that will calm your brain to relax.

A lot of homework can take some of your sleeping time, that will cause your brain to not work at the morning. From the research it said that when you have a test tomorrow you have to study for like 2 hours and sleep. Sleeping is a very important thing to do, it makes your brain to relax and also it makes your brain to function in the morning. You have to sleep at least 10 hours a day and if you don’t you will feel really tired and it will make you sleep in class. To  reduce those consequences you have to practice to study on your 10 days before the test and you will have to study for 1-1:30 hours each day, that will help you increase your grade.

In conclusion students are having a really bad time when they’re doing homework at their house. Students have a hard time finishing homework if they have too much and that will give them stress and they will start to get tired and sleep late because they have to finish their homework by tomorrow. Some stress can cause the students to have some bad habits, they might sleep in the middle of the class because they haven't have enough time sleep during night time. So those are the reason why school should reduce their homework.

The author's comments:

This article is about school giving too much homework to studnets in middle school and also highschool.

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