First Aid | Teen Ink

First Aid

April 17, 2018
By Anonymous

First Aid
First aid allows us to gain knowledge important in helping those in need during times of urgency. It is basic medical procedure that can be performed by non medical professionals to aid a hurt individual. It is useful to know basic first aid so that the hurt individual’s injuries won’t be prolonged to the extent at which their state of pain or danger worsens. Learning first aid gives people the ability to be safe and prepared when it comes to dangerous circumstances so that we can better the hurt individual’s chances of survival and/or recovery.

Unconscious and Breathing

-Check for Danger
-Call for help
-Ask if they’re okay
-Check for Response
-Clear Airway
-Check for Breathing
-Move them into recovery position


-Apply pressure on the cut area
-Clean the wound with water
-If necessary, call an ambulance


-Cool the burn by pouring cool running water onto it (or submerging the burn in cool water) for at least 10 minutes
-Do not use cold or hot water
-If running water is not available, cool compresses are suitable
-Protect it by loosely covering the burn with a clean cloth, cling wrap, or non-adhesive bandage
-If necessary, call an ambulance

Head Injury

-Ask them to rest: they should lie down or sit
-Put something cold on the bump
-If needed, call an ambulance


-Clear the space around the individual to prevent them from injury
-Place a blanket under their head to prevent head injury
-Do not restrain them
-When the seizure is over, move them onto their side and tilt their head back
-If necessary, call an ambulance


Face: Is there weakness on one side of the face? (does one side of their face droop when the individual smiles)
Arms: Can they raise both arms? is one arm lower than the other when both are raised?
Speech: Can they repeat a simple sentence? Are they easily understood?
Time: Call an ambulance


-Ask them if they are choking and if they want your help.
-Put your foot between their feet to get into the brace position.
-Find a spot that is two fingers above the belly button.
-Make a fist and place your other hand above this spot.
-Begin abdominal thrusts in and up.
-Check to see if object has became unobstructed.

If they can no longer breathe and pass out
-Lower them to the ground slowly, while protecting their head.
-Open their airway with a head tilt.
-Open their mouth so you can see inside.
-Place your hand on their chest and interlock your fingers.
-With straight arms, begin chest thrusts.
-Do a 5 chest thrusts, then check their mouth for the object.
-If the object is still obstructed, repeat step 6.
-If they are breathing, put them in recovery position. If not, call an ambulance.

Sprain (Ankle, Knee, Wrist)

Rest: stop any activity with affected joint.
Ice: apply ice to the affected area, 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off.
Compression: wrap the joint firmly with a bandage.
Elevate: to allow blood to flow away from sprain.

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