The Waterboy | Teen Ink

The Waterboy

September 24, 2018
By Flaredale BRONZE, Ayersville, Ohio
Flaredale BRONZE, Ayersville, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Legacy. What is a legacy?
It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.”

“The Waterboy” written by Maddie Kater S. is first outraging because the character had to deal with dumb rules ike green and yellow reading groups and he said, “I hated being in the yellow group.” Then he and a rich kid with ocd both lead a revolt. Then the teacher she says, “talking with salt” then gave them a Moby Dick copy to prove them wrong about being able to read new things if they tried. Next I'm surprised because in 2nd grade everyone catches up in reading expect the main character. Then in 7th grade he tries to practice basketball to become popular with his friend by getting on his shoulders and dunking, then he tries out and fails but then the coach notices his last name, remembers his mom, tells about prom, and then promises a place on the team. Overall, I thought this was written well because i’m not confused and I can relate with the fact that the main character has a mean brother and it's a similar issue.

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