Not Well Enough | Teen Ink

Not Well Enough

October 2, 2018
By LeslieGonzalez26 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
LeslieGonzalez26 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 The poem “Not well enough” was eye opening and insightful about how people feel incredibly depressed for their own reasons. This was helpful in the way that if a person says they are fine and looking pretty down there is something actually wrong. It hurts to know that people feel this way, a way they personally can't even explain. This is relatable in the way our generation as in teenagers can relate to this because personally I have felt this way before, not because I was heartbroken or anything like that. But just because I felt this wave of heavy emotional stress on not knowing how to react to anything or how to take anything in and really analyze it. This wave is just so unexplainable I have no words to explain it. But for this person to have some words as to how they feel is amazing and relieving at the same time because I didn't think other teenagers felt the same way or have the same reaction to things up until this point. I have seen it on social media but I didnt think people could actually feel this way. 

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