Feedback on Skeletons & Apologies | Teen Ink

Feedback on Skeletons & Apologies

November 4, 2018
By Anonymous

Poetry has never been my favorite type of writing, but with Demi Chowen’s Skeletons and Apologies, I found myself falling in love with every sentence. With every word bled onto the page, you can sense the emotion hidden behind it, flowing from the author’s arm and into your mind. The words echo through your thoughts and make you feel a strange sense of loneliness and comfort at the same time. The poem is about someone falling in love with somebody, and becoming apart of them in some of the worst ways possible. It’s about loving someone so much that when they fall, you fall with them - leaving you hurt and broken.

I really enjoyed this piece because I admire authors that are able to write something incredibly deep and personal. Not only did Demi Chowen do that, but they submitted it to a magazine that thousands read and were comfortable with it being published. Lines that reflect that poem’s meaning include; “My artistic soul was cradled in your palm and you gripped like the back-seat rider of a motorcycle” and “You could have healed; Instead, you brought me with you; So, I lower my glance… Who hurt you? Because they hurt me too.” This poem is by far one of the most personal I have read in a while, and I recommend that if you haven’t, you should read it too.

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