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February 6, 2019
By aliciaa-xl SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
aliciaa-xl SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Midnight Drive” by Jordan Gust is a bittersweet piece in which a narrator is in a car with her family for a late-night drive to Taco Bell. The siblings bicker while their mother drives. When she pulls into the drive-thru, they make fun of the Chevy in front of them, but the narrator recognizes the driver. They catch each other’s attention, but the driver pretends he didn’t see heer. She describes him, “What catches me is the boy riding shotgun and how he looks so much like the boy I’ve tried so hard to forget.”

The implication that the driver was a past lover sets up many opportunities for a plot. However, it was a bit disappointing when the story was cut off short as the boy drives away in his Chevy. “Midnight Drive” is an excellent setup for a story on its own, but it leaves more to be desired.

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