A Hairy Tale | Teen Ink

A Hairy Tale

November 12, 2009
By Joanna.S SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Joanna.S SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

To the young lady who wrote this article, I do agree with the point you're tying to get across. Most shaving products do try to tell us that we will be prettier if we shave, or that more people will like us if we use their product. I also do agree that if Miley Cyrus stopped shaving, then a vast majority of her fans would probably stop, too. I don't understand how your friends stopped talking to you, just because you stopped shaving. I didn't realize how many girls are focused on their physical appearance and their friend's physical appearance. To hear that girls will go as far as to quit talking to their friends if they don't shave, really makes me think, do I have friends like that, too? I give you kudos for spreading the word about our body image.

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