Fat and Free | Teen Ink

Fat and Free MAG

By Anonymous

     I enjoyed "Fat and Free" by Josephine L. because I am surprised to hear there is someone out there who can admit to being fat and not caring. I am also kind of fat so I know how she feels. Except, unlike her, I don't have the courage to tell myself it's okay.

I grew up with all my friends being skinny. They like to make me feel better by telling me I'm not fat, but I know they're just trying to be nice. I never found my weight a problem until my mother started to tell me I should lose a few pounds.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jul. 20 2011 at 7:29 pm
LovableD BRONZE, Killeen, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
Are you living or are you exsisting

as long as your not over board fat to the point it affects your health than its ok, but you should know when your getting out of control. you should know your limit. just don't be defiant...

ps: ask yourself this, if you didnt think you were to fa t you would feel confident in your own skin. theres a diffrence between confidence and defiancy.

 i hoped i helped

howcutelip said...
on Nov. 14 2008 at 5:00 am
I can't find the article Fat and Free. It was written by my sister and I would like to read it.