Discrepancy | Teen Ink

Discrepancy MAG

February 24, 2010
By Savannah Fleming BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
Savannah Fleming BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The beautiful poem, “Discrepancy,” honestly touched my heart. It’s very abstract, one that I’m sure people will interpret differently. But the overall theme of someone changing right before your eyes into something utterly different reminded me of so many instances in my own life.

The metaphor of someone being blue and then suddenly becoming orange is equally as beautiful as it is thought-provoking. I could feel her pain in the lines, “Your heartbeat thudded orange, And the look in your eyes was sharp with rust” mostly because I’ve experienced that heart-wrenching glare so many times in some of my best friends.

Thank you, Eliza, for writing this. When a poem can evoke so much emotion in even a single person, it marks a truly talented writer.

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