Feedback! "A Chance for a Fairy Tale" | Teen Ink

Feedback! "A Chance for a Fairy Tale"

March 1, 2010
By madifrey BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
madifrey BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“A Chance for a Fairy Tale” by Emma Christiantelli, Auburn, NY, is inspiring. Going to McAuley H.S, a private all girls Catholic high school, most of us can afford to get any dress we want, snazzy shoes and jewelry, and even a hair appointment. This makes me sad that many girls cannot even afford a dress of their dreams to wear to the one prom in their lifetime. I want this message to get out to all of the girls everywhere who spend hundreds of dollars on their prom. They need to realize how lucky and fortunate they really are. I want all girls to know about these dress drives and everybody really should donate their dresses. Putting them in the trash or leaving them in a closet to get dusty for the next 10 years is useless. Donate them to a less fortunate girl to wear while the dress is still in style. I honestly do not understand how anybody would not donate their dresses. I want all girls to get this message and to spread it. Giving somebody else a Cinderella night is priceless.

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