The Lies We Tell | Teen Ink

The Lies We Tell

January 20, 2011
By Josefa BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Josefa BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wholeheartedly agree with Crystal Larsen in her article "The Lies We Tell." By the time we are born our parents start the process of lies. Especially on the littlest things in our lives. Such as when she mentioned as children we ask our mom and dad 'where do babies come from?' the usual lie would be 'the stork delivers us the baby.' It clearly symbolizes of how our parents would tell us anything just so we can keep our innocence, for outside world is a scary place. That is why parents lead on the belief that the world is full of happiness and no Strangers, as she mentioned. Moreover, she points out the truth of how as children grow into adults we repeat the cycle of lies. So I would like thank Crystal Larsen, for she brought out how we never noticed that we lie just to keep innocence.

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