Feedback on "when he tells you he'd like you better with longer hair" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "when he tells you he'd like you better with longer hair"

November 6, 2014
By nzlato GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
nzlato GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The poem “when he tells you tells you he’d like you better with longer hair” by Tori Sargent, Middlefield, OH carries such a deep message etched in it. It was poetic, yet very strong- one of the strongest poems I have ever seen in my life. It was amazing. This poem explains to not just all the girls, but to boys too that one has to have enough pride in himself/herself not to change or let someone decide what is better for themself. The author uses a metaphor, a boy’s opinion about a girl’s hairstyle to convey this life important message.
“when the boy you love tells you he’d like you better with longer hair
do not apologize to him
do not cry
do not do anything except leave
do not pretend you didn’t hear it-
you heard it.”  You heard it.
The golden words stressed by this author utter influence. The poem teaches you what you shouldn’t do. The author stresses never to stoop down to the level of those who want to change you or aren’t happy with you. As long as you’re happy with yourself that is all that matters. I would rephrase the whole poem in my own words because I like it so much, but instead you could just read it because Sargent conveyed her stance perfectly. Remember, “when the boy you love tells you he’d like you better with longer hair do not say, ‘me too’ ”.  “when he tells you he’d like you better with longer hair” teaches you about self-esteem in the most beautifully poetic way possible.

The author's comments:

My bestfriend cut her hair into a pixie-cut earlier this school year. She says, "I see peoples' expressions. I know they don't like my hair. Some of my closest friends and just random kids have told me they liked me better before. But geuss what? I dont care. I like my hair." Even though my hair isn't cut into a pixie cut, I can still fit this main message into my own life and use it to my advantage. No one deserves to live by someone else's opinion/s.

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