Forgotten Feeling | Teen Ink

Forgotten Feeling

March 5, 2015
By Dream_Novacane BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Dream_Novacane BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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A big round of applause for Cameron D. for his article forgotten feeling because he got to peoples emotions. He lets people in on what is going on now in the real world. People are being raped and other people are eaither blaming them becuase they caused it by being "to fast" or by certain clothes that will draw attention to them. It's emotional when he quotes, " Her pain, almost unbearabl, Rips and pierces her abdomen, All over nothing, All because she wore what was her favorite blouse. " That shows that people are judging what you are bases on what you wear. Thank you Cameron Dean for showing people that things like this do happen on a daily basis 

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