Scrubadubdub | Teen Ink


March 4, 2015
By R.bhuiyan GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
R.bhuiyan GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Light travels faster than sound, which is why some people appear bright until they speak"

Scrubadubdub is a unique poem written by Eleanor Hurton. This poem describes Hurton'sunique life as a person with OCD. She gives readers a perspective into her way of life, her way of thinking, and etc. I particularly enjoyed reading this poem because of the irony. Hurton has OCD, yet she writes this poem without using correct punctuation. This makes a point to readers about her change.

Another aspect in how she changed is the first and last line of the poem. She begins the poem with the lines scrub, scrub, scrub all written on separate lines. Whereas, she ends the poem writing free, free, free written all together. This portrays her decision to let go of her OCD and delve into a new world of possibilities... a free one. 

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