Feedback on "The Other Sophia" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "The Other Sophia"

April 26, 2015
By rairai123ify SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
rairai123ify SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"The Other Sophia" by Sophia Watwood is a beautifully written memoir that highlights her struggle as being just "the other Sophia." In the beginning, Sophia talks about how she must call herself Sophie and face disappointment because another Sophia is being called. She compares herself to them and talks about how she aspires to be like the other Sophia's. Then, her attitude changes. By the end of the piece, Watwood realizes that the other Sophia's aren't perfect, and they are human, just like her. She realizes that she is "not the other Sophia." She is "no one's lesser version."
            Sophia wrote "The Other Sophia" with an unique voice that one just couldn't help loving. Her personality shined through her writing. There were many lines that showed this such as "You were the Sophia I wished I was. You were always one inch taller, one friend more likable, and one grade point smarter." From these two lines alone, the reader can tell that the author has her own insecurities like everybody else and is only human. At the end, when she realizes that the other Sophia's are human too, you can sense that the author has now changed, making the piece feel even more realistic and relatable because it's only natural to have a changing mindset as time goes on.

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