Review of Escape from a Dreamy Haze | Teen Ink

Review of Escape from a Dreamy Haze

September 15, 2015
By mvolden BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
mvolden BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s always sad to see people getting addicted over weed, or drugs in general. And trying weed just to impress your boyfriend, that’s even worse. I can understand that you are doing drugs so you can escape reality for a while, but taking drugs more often and let it ruin your relationship with your family, that is so sad. The worst decision was selling drugs on the school ground. For your own good, I’m happy that they caught you, if not, who knows what you would be doing… It is good that you asked for help with your addiction, and I feel happy for you that you’ve reunited the relationship with your family. Family is important!

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