Feedback on "The Flaw in My Facebook" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "The Flaw in My Facebook"

November 8, 2015
By Derp_de_Herp GOLD, New York, New York
Derp_de_Herp GOLD, New York, New York
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     "The Flaw in My Facebook" by Kiara Huemer is a resonating memoir. In it, Klara describes a nighttime routine for her-that is, browsing Facebook. Even if it is late at night and she still has homework left to do, she finds Facebook relaxing and is not bothered by the fact that she is procrastinating. All the cat videos and clickbait articles provide a sense of calm for her; they distract her from the stress of reality. This casual take on not doing anything contrasts with her intelligent, perfectionist nature. Like many, she finds the internet comforting in the dark and lonely night surrounding her that she describes so well.

     One of the best things about the memoir is how illustrative it is. Klara describes her setting so that it sets a tranquil mood to the piece. For instance, she writes, "My favorite fleece blanket wraps my limbs tightly in my swivel chair. A notebook, open to a blank page, reflects its perfect whiteness into the cold air of my room." Even the specifics are mentioned in a way that drops the reader into the story, with online article titles like “19 Reasons to Start Wearing Black Lipstick Immediately”, which can be seen plastered online. In addition, the memoir is resonating, in the sense that many can relate. I know that I can, and I don't doubt that there are many others like me out there. This article describes my late-night procrastinating experiences perfectly, and that, coupled with great imagery and descriptions, makes this memoir a wonderful one.

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