Feedback on Aww Nuts | Teen Ink

Feedback on Aww Nuts

January 6, 2016
By jodih SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
jodih SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 “Aww Nuts” by Karen is an amazingly written piece. It tells of the author’s personal experience of discovering she had a nut allergy at a birthday party. Karen describes how she wasn’t aware of the drastic change her life was about to undergo when the birthday cake was being cut. The author goes on to explicitly state the results from eating the cake filled with nuts. The entire experience is clearly a shock, and extremely terrifying for both the writer and the reader.
Karen explains that this experience was extremely nerve-wracking, especially at her age of nine. However, she says that she eventually dealt with it. She says, “I learned to read ingredients. I remember having to ask the lunch ladies if my sandwich had any peanut butter in it and what desserts I could eat. Now, as a 16-year-old, I can easily identify the foods I can and can’t eat.” Karen was forced to adapt to the nut allergy. Despite this being looked upon as unfortunate by others, she acknowledges that she has a flaw. She looks on the past but does not dwell on it. Karen states, “… having a nut allergy is something that makes me, me.”

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