My Medicated Self by Noelle Henein | Teen Ink

My Medicated Self by Noelle Henein

February 18, 2016
By MaryMason BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
MaryMason BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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I can relate to Noelle Henein when she wrote "My Medicated Self" when she wrote about an experience with medication, figuring out who she really is, and not being physically or mentally healthy. Noelle is a teen who is becoming more aware of her own mind and thoughts with and without her vital medication. sadly, she now contemplates if people are accepting of her with or without the medication that alters her, "I am not myself. I am not my medicated self." Unfortunately, I know what it is to feel like to not feel as if my body is not healing even though my perscriptins seem to be what my body needs, feeling that certain way alters of how you know yourself, if you know yourself. Thank you, Noelle for sharing your memoir, it was very moving. 

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