My Third Reason | Teen Ink

My Third Reason

October 11, 2016
By Anonymous

"My Third Reason” by Christopher Kneiser is about his experience with his hero. He just started his job at his local grocery store in the summer of freshman year. He meets his coworker Al who has autism and is always wearing something to do with some Green Bay Packers on it. He believe it or not has never been to a game. So Christopher got tickets and invited Al to the game. Al later was diagnosed with melanoma and died.
I can relate to this story because I met a relative who had cancer and was fighting it. I became really close to this person and she was always smiling, even though she was likely to die at any time. I like how he never judges Al and instead becomes friends with him. It was really good thing to share that you met someone so inspirational, so that others can recognise other heroes before they are gone.

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