Gay Relationships Are Okay | Teen Ink

Gay Relationships Are Okay

October 5, 2016
By Kailin.Kailin BRONZE, Kansas City, Missouri
Kailin.Kailin BRONZE, Kansas City, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Does it matter to others when they see gay relationships? Well it shouldn't because it's not their life and not their business. Don't judge if you don't know their story. So why does it matter who others love whether it's a male with a male or a female with a female? I don't understand why people are disrespecting others for who they love and care for. I personally think there is nothing wrong with gay rights, these people are happy and free to be who they truly are instead of being locked up inside not wanting to come out for who they are truly are just because half or over half of our society disses gays. But why is that?

Do you think it's wrong?... is it wrong to love someone?

Those type of people out there who are against gays are making people not coming out and actually being themselves. I'm not gay, but my mom is married to a women. I have no problem with that, you know why? It's because my mom is happy and when she is happy everyone is happy, i bet you can relate to that. I have actually known this woman that my mom is married to since i was in the first grade and she had made a huge positive impact on my life, like imagine having two moms, that's awesome to have two!! I also know two guys who are married and they are very happy, why would someone want to ruin someone elses happiness?!?! I guess I still don't understand.


28% agree and 37% disagree about gay marriage. Significant growth in support for gay marriage over the last 10 years. We advocate for laws and policies that will protect everyone’s dignity. We work for a world where all people can enjoy their rights fully. There is only 5 states that allow gay marriages. Gays don't vote against gay marriage, what makes straights vote against gay marriage? Many people have trouble coming out especially to their parents, some kids get kicked out and have to benefit for themselves. Social media is another big problem with gays it's kinda like 50% agree and 50% don't. They always have these strong sayings about being yourself but when people do they get judge and criticize.

The perfect society will never happen if we keep judging and not accepting people for who they are. If there was equality in this society and everyone treated each other with respect,imagine how many people  would feel confident about who they are!! Allowing gays and accepting gays of all races and genders, let them make their own decisions and be happy and proud about it.  Don't make their decisions for them if it's right or not. America should take a step on the road to equality.

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