Love Your People | Teen Ink

Love Your People

October 6, 2023
By vfuentes0020 BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
vfuentes0020 BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

After a life-changing stroke, came seizing and wilting. Grandma was forced into babysitting grandpa. 

<< Why are there purple bruises and bloody scratches covering his body? Was grandma doing this?>> 

“Be nice to him” !

Her stare was dead…she wouldn’t change

My life changed:

Eyes stutter to listen to the sun’s wake up call, my hand breaks the meds. The G-tube opens and in goes the liquified meds. Go to school, eyes open and close, open and close. Shuffle my feet to my bus seat and home we go. Change grandpa, give him another set of meds, study and sleep. 

With time, he was the definition of rejuvenation! 

<<And grandma?>>

 She was becoming me, appreciating the little time given to love others.

The author's comments:

This is a story about how my grandfather's fall from one single stair has affected me and how others have reacted and what I have done about it.

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