My Manifesto | Teen Ink

My Manifesto

December 28, 2010
By arimarion BRONZE, Chattanooga, Tennessee
arimarion BRONZE, Chattanooga, Tennessee
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
be what you're becoming

We are becoming mindless drones. Mindless shells of people spoon-fed our entertainment, our culture, our opinions. We do not care what we watch, we do not care what we listen to, we do not care what we read- that is if we even read at all. All we care about is finding that next best thing. All we want to do is consume, consume, consume, consume.

This new phone comes with a built in bicycle and a 56,000 gigabyte snap-dragon processor that can read your mind. Holy f***, I have to have it. This cable package has half a billion channels, including the polka channel: twenty four hours of live streaming dance, straight from Sarajevo. How have I lived without it? Starbucks now offers anchovies in its frapachino’s. I don’t care how much it costs- I will drink their shitty coffee. They respect me as an individual.

An individual? You are not an individual. You are a sad mesh-up of YouTube videos, Ke$ha songs and Urban Outfitters cardigans- made to look cheap, a pricey commodity. You hide behind your social networking sites and your fancy phones and try to make your life seem interesting. But when was the last time you created something? When was the last time you discovered something? When was the last time you lived?

What’s that, you say. You don’t know… Neither do I. I say I’m all about ‘do it yourself’, I say ‘I never let life pass me by’. But that’s shit. I don’t really don’t do that much myself –I cut my clothes, I ask questions, I write… sometimes. Entire weeks pass where the most significant thing I do is re-dye my hair. But I think and I think I’m tired of this, and that’s a start.
You know what? Let’s make a pact. We will change; we will create our own entertainment, our own culture, our own opinions. We will find something we love and we will pursue it with a passion. We will cease to hesitate. We will throw ourselves to the wind. And we will live. I’m in. Are you?

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