Giving it Up | Teen Ink

Giving it Up

May 13, 2008
By Anonymous

God changes many, but He will pursue the ‘scientist’s will’ as meticulously as a chef selects a helpless lobster from an aquatic tank in which he sees fit for his culinary purposes.

The art of God is not boiled at 600 degrees Fahrenheit and sprinkled with seasonings-rather is centered along the rich fulfillment of His Word. A Darwinist regards the Bible as equally coexistent with the likes Freud or Aristotle. No more alive, no less nonliving.

It may only be when the scientist applies a new vision to the seemingly dormant void of the Book that he will begin to see a change within himself. Upon preparing the problem, doing his research, and formulating a hypothesis, the scientist is now confident that he will be able to reach a familiar, and often revisited, conclusion. That which will allow him to sleep soundly and awake the next morning to pursue the ever appealing endeavors of stem cell research and the like.

This time is different. Twelve o’clock, three o’clock, and all of their companions in between invite the scientist to a night with Genesis, John, and Revelations. Believing in his readiness to counter intellectual design and unconditional love with random chance and a coincidentally-proportioned hormonal imbalance; he freezes at the first chapter, first verse: “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.”

Maybe he lacked preparation or maybe his research could not prepare him for what he had just read. Resting his forehead on the filthy lab table of his study, he is at a loss. Would he pursue the condemned path that a good scientist would not ever consider? He could-he thinks to himself as he chews his pencil, then lets it fall to the floor-he could give it up.

Only then will he abandon the explanation of random chance and wandering particles as he speculates about his reflection in the mirror (he gave it up for the image of Christ). Only then will he seek more than a glass of ‘dihydrogen monoxide’ to quench his thirst (he gave it up for the Living Water). Only then will he find little satisfaction in befriending scientific idols of past generations (he gave it up for the Creator of science and past generations).

Perhaps the next day when his fellow scientists contemplate the reasons for global warming amidst scattered annual diagrams and scholarly textbooks; his answer, premeditated from the sleepless night before, will be “I recommend another source.”

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