The "Norm" | Teen Ink

The "Norm"

November 14, 2012
By Kwats BRONZE, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Kwats BRONZE, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bigger; better; younger: Americans are bought into the hypocritical propaganda that bigger is better, that youth defines beauty, and that fake is the new real. Hence, the photo-shopped-to-beyond-unrecognizable photos of starving models and oh-so classy stars. These crude cosmetic-splattered images flood magazine covers and brainwash so many young people into thinking they must look this way in order to matter in the world. We start to believe that teen moms with gurgling newborns are typical and reality shows aren’t scripted by producers looking for the next big hit. This leaves the bold and defiant American being forced to assimilate to the “norm”. Though, what is the “norm”? Body plastic and unplanned pregnancies? This visually driven society needs to convey to the youth of America what true beauty really is. Trade in the make-up and air-brushed photos for men and women whose qualities within make them unique. True beauty is what makes each person human. If society changed their mind-set to this point of view, a retinue of catty girls with wicked tongues would no longer take such a toll on teens and the pressure to compete with each other’s belongings and salary would decrease. Though this may seem like quite an extremity in comparison to the way things are today, this is the dream of many for tomorrow.

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