In the Mists of Winter | Teen Ink

In the Mists of Winter

January 30, 2013
By Alisha French BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
Alisha French BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Winter comes and sweeps up the world. The green of the grass disappears under a thick white sheet of snow. Trees, once full of life, become skeletons and little critters burrow away. Even the radiant sun hides from the bone chilling air. Everything becomes still. Everyone slows down. The promise of warmth, life, and light keep hope alive through the long lasting winter. Just like winter, trials in life can slow you down. They can make it difficult for you to remember the warm, good times. They can cause you to have no motivation to move forward, or take another step. Hardships can take over and cover everything just like a thick blanket of snow. They can turn your world into a cold, empty, and harsh place. No matter how hard you look, there seems to be no light, no hope, and no chance of moving on. But just as winter comes and goes, so will the hard times in life. Life is not frozen like the cold, hard ground in winter but ever-changing. The hard times will not last forever. They are only seasons of your life, just as winter is only one season of a year. The light and good times may seem out of reach or one step ahead, just likes spring does in the mists of winter. But just as spring comes, so will hope, peace, and warmth in life. The hardships are only seasons of life, not all of life.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece through my own life and the lives of the people around me. I hope it can be used as inspiration and comfort to those who read it.

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