For Zach Soiech. | Teen Ink

For Zach Soiech.

May 9, 2013
By JLynn GOLD, Chuluota, Florida
JLynn GOLD, Chuluota, Florida
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The best way out is always through"- Robert Frost.

His last few days. I don’t know him at all; but I know he has a time limit now. I have never spoken to him nor have I ever seen him. I’m not even sure of where he lives, or if he is still here. I just would like to see him get this, or his family. To have the passion in his heart to create something so beautiful. Something that touched the lives and hearts of so many people. That is something genuine and wonderful. A voice so soothing, yet having no chance now. Robbed of a life that could have brought so many wonderful things; yet he seems as though he is greeting it like an old friend. He knows where he’ll be, in the clouds watching over. It’ll be a great sadness for his friends and family and for those who have fallen in love with the song without knowing the meaning.
Like I said, I do not know him nor have I ever met him. I just know of his condition and of the song he had created. I, out of many others he and his family may never know, will feel sorrow when he is gone. To be able to grasp it so calmly by his voice. So young, but old enough to understand the meaning. You will be missed. By many people, including those you have never met. We will help you with your support for the other children in your condition when you are gone, and hopefully one day help prevent it. You were one who had sparked this cause and reached the hearts of millions. We should all take a moment to thank you. I am the same age as you as well; but we will never have the chance to meet. For that, I am sorry. I just hope you can see this before you are gone; or that this will reach to your family.
For Zach Sobiech, I hope you keep a smile on your face; and keep watch of your family. I hope that your song “Clouds” will continue to reach hearts. Thank you. You have given me a new song I can use to help inspire myself, as well as others. I am not ill; but I am a supporter for those who are. I know someone who was once ill. Now she smiles with her new born. Once more, thank you.

The author's comments:
This morning I had learned about Zach and his condition. I watched as celebrities and others lip synced with his song clouds. The song was very touching, and so is the story behind it.


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