A World of Unloyal People | Teen Ink

A World of Unloyal People

December 18, 2013
By Anonymous

Humans are evil and conniving. Don’t trust them.People in the world today are the most evil and conniving because they will do anything to survive. People say and do anything to get what they want and will trick you into giving it up. Today money is everything and people will kill and steal for it.

Salesmen are the most conniving because they trick you into buying a product that you don't need or won't work. They will say anything to get more money out of you. They will sale you a product that might harm you because you paying a a good amount for it and you buy it cause they say its safe. Older people are more likely to get trick because they're gullible and easy to trick.

Lady Macbeth is evil and conniving in the story of Macbeth. She planned for the king’s stay in their castle after her husband told her what the witches said about his future. Lady Macbeth persuades Macbeth to kill the king while he was sleeping when macbeth didn't want to. She sweet talked him and made him feel like he was nothing so he can change his mind.she lied for the power she wanted and got it caused she acted innocent and they believed her.

There are good people in this world but are in the shadows of the bad. Most people you can trust but people will trick you to get what they want and try very hard to do that. Humans are evil and conniving but they have a good side to them its just they try to survive just like you.

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