Imperfection is Individuality | Teen Ink

Imperfection is Individuality

February 18, 2014
By Maya Brown BRONZE, Freeport, New York
Maya Brown BRONZE, Freeport, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever heard someone tell you “You don’t fit in?” I certainly have, but sayings like this haven’t stopped me from being who I want to be, in my own kind of way. Whenever someone tells me this, I remind myself nobody is perfect and it is good to be unique. What would a person be without flaws? In elementary school, I was bullied for not wearing the popular brands everyone else was wearing. I was bold and daring, wearing jeans with a skirt on top and I simply didn’t care about blending in. I wanted to stand out, like one black shirt in a sea of white shirts. When you think about it, trends start with one person leading and many others following. I wanted to be a leader, not a follower. In middle school, that all changed. I became a follower, wanting to fit in with everybody. I started shopping at popular stores like “Abercrombie” and “Aeropostale.” Whenever I passed a popular person in the hallway I thought “What if they don’t like me?” or “What if they think I’m nobody?” In this time period of my life I feared rejection, wanted attention and dreamed of perfection. I wanted to talk like them, act like them and look like them, but that just makes me a copy and I was born original. I realized, why would I want to be like them when I could be a better them. So, I became unique. I didn’t think what anyone would think of me. When girls fix themselves using plastic surgery or change themselves for someone, they don’t realize it’s their soul that needs the surgery. I learned that perfection is a disease of a nation. When you are unique and have a good soul, you are an individual.

The author's comments:
The song "Pretty Hurts" by Beyoncé inspired me to write this piece. I hope people will realize that it's ok not to be perfect and that it doesn't matter what other people think of you.

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