Easy to Come By, Hard to Leave | Teen Ink

Easy to Come By, Hard to Leave

March 11, 2014
By Anonymous

Fame is something feared, but yet desired by all walks of life. Millions of people from around the world journey to Los Angeles in hopes of becoming a star, and having their names in the spotlight. Frantic and demanding mothers are scouting out the best agents in town to help their “baby” get an audition or a gig. Little do they know, with the help of technology, becoming famous is much easier than it used to be. With the help of the internet and a web cam, kids from around the world can share their talents without even moving off of their couch. Through the use of Youtube, Vine, and even TV, more and more talents are being discovered than ever before. Technology is a letting the world connect on levels that were never thought to be possible, and through it we have bred some of the biggest stars.

Any person living on planet Earth that can communicate with other human beings knows of the pop sensation and heartthrob: Justin Bieber. His rise to fame was unlike many others, and started a trend that has taken the nation by sweep. As a young boy, Justin was just like everyone else, except for one hidden talent that would soon become known to the world. His mother decided to upload a video of Justin singing onto a Youtube channel. Soon after the video was posted, people were watching it, and asking for more covers of their favorite songs. After multiple successful videos, Justin Bieber’s was going viral. Youtube discovered this ambitious kid way before any Hollywood scout ever did. After Justin Bieber uploaded his videos, many other people were inspired to post videos of them singing. Not only are people singing, and acting, there are multiple videos of rants that have millions of views. Youtube has become a place for people to express their talents, and to share them around the world with only one click of a button: upload video.

Millions of people from across the country hurried to the app store after hearing about one quick and convenient form of entertainment: Vine. This app not only shows some of the funniest and relevant videos to today’s society, it does it in only six seconds. This app consists of three important buttons: like, revine, and comment, which enable you to share these videos and pass them along to a friend. Overtime, the people who are making the funniest videos are gaining millions of followers. Not only are the vines reckless and stupid, people are absolutely loving them. The “popular” page always consists of a stereotypical white girl, dances, wipe outs and so much more. Several normal, average boys, such as: Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas, and Shawn Mendes have all become known around the world; thanks to this app. Girls mob them in malls, and stalk their houses, waiting for them to walk outside. Now they are all associated with Magcon, which is a tour that girls pay to watch them mess around on a stage. Vine has changed the lives of ordinary people and has made them known around the world.

Not only can people become famous through the use of computers, TV is also another amusing way to get noticed by other viewers. Running behind news reporters, or even going on to America’s Got Talent; people will do anything to get on the “big screen”. Seconds after an episode of American Idol, Larry Platt became a star. The name Larry Platt may not be ringing any bells, but his song Pants on the Ground is sure to revoke some feelings. This video went viral within minutes because of the disbelief and shock that someone could actually write a song about how dumb people look when their pants are on the floor. In today’s day and age, if anyone ever does anything remotely dumb and amusing, it is sure to get them the attention they wanted.

Fame is relative; our society is what makes other people become famous. If so many people love or loathe a person, more and more people also share the same feelings. With the help of technology, people are able to share their stories to others across the world. Fame is something that can be achieved as easily as recording six seconds worth of a video. If people respond to the video, then the job has been done, and the video will travel all over. These simple apps such as Youtube and Vine have forever changed the lives of ordinary people. So many people have a strong desire to become famous, yet they are not taking advantage of the opportunity that sits right in front of them, staring them in the eyes. Overnight people change from dreaming of fame to actually being famous. So instead of flying out to LAX to get a glimpse of the fast life, hop on the computer and make it happen. Fame is easier to come by than it is to leave, and with a click of a button it can become a reality.

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