Social networking sites, a threat to us! | Teen Ink

Social networking sites, a threat to us!

June 19, 2014
By Raneem SILVER, Riyadh, Other
Raneem SILVER, Riyadh, Other
7 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Are you getting what you want from social networking sites?
We all seek meeting our desire for the ever developing technology that helps not only make our lives simpler but also easier or atleast thats what we think it does. In fact, the time we save using this technology is nothing compared to the actual time we spend using them. We use them for that extra time because they are just too addictive and indispensable, something that could be compared to oxygen and water especially to teenagers. The fact that teenagers can keep up with what their friends that are miles away are doing at the moment; brain storms them. How far does this ought to concern us? More and more teenagers in our day and age fail their exams, thats where the social networking sites' finger prints are spotted. These double edged weapons magnetise teenagers to use them even on the night before the exam. As a consequence, they realise they don't have enough time to revise a little or hardly anything before their exams. However, the lack of concentration when teenagers are using the social networking sites, make them take longer time to do tasks like cleaning their own room or doing tasks in an incorrect way, like using inappropriate ideas for their essay assignment. Without a doubt, they also help spread rumours and false information about things that can be life threatening. For instance, it can give you wrong information about a particular college that you wanted to join thus when you actually try to apply, and look at the fees and compare it to what others told you, you feel disappointed and lost because your future was all linked to it.In my point of view, social networking sites have helped many people know each other, exchange experience in particular common areas of interest, give their own opinion about whats going around globe like politics, football, peacemaking, etc.. And much more offered by social networking sites if only we could control the urge of wanting to use it 24/7 and pay more attention to our goals, dreams and get information only from trusted websites or websites recommended by trusted friends.

The author's comments:
Social networking sites are taking down our lives so let's pluck our courages and fight them.

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