What do I hope to find over the rainbow... | Teen Ink

What do I hope to find over the rainbow...

October 2, 2014
By Viola.B. SILVER, Ashgabat, Other
Viola.B. SILVER, Ashgabat, Other
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.

Joseph Gampbell

   I’ve always kept saying that this world is full of unusual and wonderful things and the beauty of these nature’s miracles is full of secrets. I think that the rainbow is one of these miracles that can make the person smile and feel good, whatever is going on in his life right now.  When I have an opportunity to see the rainbow, I always think of it as a sign that everything in this world will be all right and each person will get his or her happiness despite of all the difficulties. 
     People living in harmony and the peace all over the world are the things that I would like to find over the rainbow. Unfortunately, right now there is so much violence that people use against each other and it seems like the person became a wild animal that doesn’t have any good quality. Some high school students get bullied from their peers and it shows that even the teenagers, the people who don’t know what the life is, already have this venom within their hearts.  The slavery of women and children and the terrorism continue to exist in different parts of our world, destroying the lives of million people. All I mean is that person loses his or her human qualities by doing more harm than good.
     Such feelings as jealousy and anger also make the person do the unconsidered actions. The best friend can become a sworn enemy after feeling jealous and the anger can lead even to the murder. People want to revenge after being hurt and this feeling also destroys them inside.
     I really want to believe that one day people will wake up and nothing of these problems will exist anymore. Of course, we are just humans and we will always feel jealous and be angry, but we just shouldn’t forget to save these human qualities that we have. The Russian writer A.P.Chehov said:      ” Save a person inside you” and I think that every person has to understand the significance of this phrase and, maybe, after that, people will stop doing any harm to each other by forgiving everything bad that has ever happened and then this Earth will become the most wonderful place in the whole universe where the power have only peace and harmony.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 4 2014 at 6:43 pm
GirlintheRedChair1 SILVER, Menifee, California
7 articles 4 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"My life is a loan from God. And I plan to pay it back, but with interest" Andy Wimmer

I really loved your article. I see that you aren't from America and I assume that English isn't your first language. I would suggest working on your wording, but I really loved your idea and I really felt your spirit come forth through your words. I hope to read more from you and watch you grow as a writer.