Technology | Teen Ink


November 21, 2014
By Dillon Reid BRONZE, Rockaway Beach, Oregon
Dillon Reid BRONZE, Rockaway Beach, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For thousands of years, humans have flourished. We’ve invented planes, we’ve been to the moon, we’ve done everything that was once deemed impossible. Every day theres always another amazing invention. But as of the last few years, we’ve kinda plummeted from innovative and genius, to lazy and useless. And the reason? The children of satan himself, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Iggy get the picture. Here’s the picture I’m giving: What if we had a world where technology wasn’t hijacked by Apple to turn humans into zombies, what if we didn’t have to check our phones every 5 minutes, and what if we didn’t have Wrecking Ball stuck in our heads 24/7? Today I’m going to explain how useless the iPhone, iPod, iPad, i-Whatever it is, how many kids have fallen victim to this iCraze, and how there just may be hope for the future.

I bet all of us would just love having an iPhone, (I know I would) but really, is a cheap, 20 dollar track phone that much worse? Do you need the bluetooth? The wifi? Do you need to sit on your butt all day and play flappy bird? I would hope we all have better things to do. All these new gadgets are starting to make WALL-E change from a funny kids movie to an impending reality. Mark Twain wasn’t posting on facebook about his newest book, Leonardo da vinci wasn’t crying about his lack of likes on his profile picture. The wright brothers weren’t taking selfies with their plane! “Goddamnit Wilbur, put the phone down! But Orville, its fun, you should try it!” Who knows, maybe one kid has a brain bigger than these people did but who’s gonna discover that potential when this kid won’t detach his face from Call of Duty? What does it show you about a kid who would rather spend his day leveling up his character than possibly finding a cure for cancer? Or AIDS? Or Ebola? Or, (even better) a cure for a lazy kid who plays too many video games. Great things can be achieved without a phone in your hand sometimes.

I’m pretty sure those who have been in a classroom the last few years all have seen that one kid, tweeting about how sucky his class is, snapchatting about how tired he is, instagramming how much he wishes he was home, i know we’ve all encountered, THAT KID. No matter how many jackets, backpacks, binders, books, desks, chairs, computers, the kid sitting in front of him, whatever he tries to hide his phone behind, the teacher will still somehow find out, and boom, no pity from your instagram followers. Unstick your eyes from the screen dude, and maybe your English teacher won’t need to nag you when you’re working at the gas station pump in 10 years. As of last year, almost every classroom in my school has been stocked with brand new laptops. Wow. Good job guys!. As if there weren’t already enough kids hiding phones under their desks, now they’re straight up posting statuses on Twitter when we’re supposed to be finishing an English essay! Technology has already infiltrated thousands of homes, now we’re letting it into our schools too? I’d like to have a talk with the idiot who assumed even the smartest person in class wouldn’t look up a couple funny videos on youtube during a lecture. It’s a physical struggle for us to get those things put away at the end of the period. Our English teacher needs a crowbar to pry them out of our hands.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m human, I have an iPod, i have a facebook, just like most people. But I’m not the majority of my generation. I’m not the kid putting hashtags before everything i type, or the kid who speaks in abbreviations, or the kid who can’t resist taking a selfie every 30 seconds. And I know that I can’t be the only one like that. Because us humans were once great, we were once creating for creation's sake. I’m hoping, with the increasing availability of all these cool devices, our interest in them will plummet eventually, and maybe a new vaccine will be in higher demand than the iPhone 6.

  Einstein once said: “I fear the day technology will surpass human interaction. We will have a generation of idiots.” so according to Einstein, we’re all idiots. So now I raise my crappy nokia, to those select few kids that don’t have their face glued to it day and night, for those kids use it for research, not porn, for the teachers who encourage students to use technology for a higher purpose, for those people who will take us back into our age of knowledge and creation, for those kids, who are gonna help me prove Einstein wrong. So do yourself and everyone around you a favor, pull a Da Vinci, and put the phone away for a day.

The author's comments:

I wrote this as my ADS (After dinner speech) for my speech and debate team. After realizing how much kids are addicted to our phones, it made me realize what I wanted to do my speech on.

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