What Matters to Me | Teen Ink

What Matters to Me

January 27, 2015
By Shayla Allen BRONZE, LaPine, Alabama
Shayla Allen BRONZE, LaPine, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

God, family, friends, and school are the main assets to my daily life that are most important to me. They all play tremendous roles in my life. At a young age, I was introduced to church and as I matured, a realization about how important God is to me, dawned upon me. Besides friends, family is all I have. School is very important to me also.

Without a good education, it would be almost impossible to be successful in life. In school, I apply myself one hundred percent. I do this because I know anything worth having is worth working hard for. Dedicating myself to my school work has gave me a sense of urgency when it comes to hard work. School will possibly help me to have a great job and future.

When I was seven years old, I was Baptized at New Bethel Baptist Church. Since my baptism I have become a very active member of the church and surrounding churches in the area. Attending church regularly has allowed me to have a better relationship with God.

Lastly, family and friends are matters most to me. I have very small family. Therefore, we have no choice but to be close. We love each other unconditionally. My friends also play a huge role in my life. Especially my boy friend. He's the sweetest thing in the world. Without having family or my friends, I would be completely alone and not have anybody to confide in.

The things that matter most to me should be the things that matter most to every one. God, family/friends, and school matters most to me personally. Without them, I would not be influenced to go in the right direction in life.

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