Half-Cap | Teen Ink


October 4, 2015
By Anonymous

I live in a small town in West Virginia where 98% of the 25,000 people are white. Needless to say I am one of  the few mixed kids in my school. All of my friends are extremely white and extremely mot understanding in the issues I face in my everyday life. My friends call me half-cap, because I'm half black so that means I can only pop half a cap in your a**. I feel as though it is obvious to everyone but my friends as to how this is racist and offensive. If I don't know every R&B song or rapper they either say "I thought you were black" or "Don't feel bad your only half black." It is the fear of comments like these that kept me from openly listening to rap music. If I try to tell my friends about a political issue that effects me or I correct them on something that they say that is racist, the only response I will get is "I don't care." Great guys. Thanks Blaire, I am so glad to know that you don't care that I am 21 times more likely to get killed than you. My friends often comment that I'm to white yet if I mention Kanye or Jay Z, they'll say "Whoa that was really black of you and it scared me." If my friends make racist jokes about me they will bring up the fact that I have too have said them. I'll admit it yeah I have made these jokes, only with the hope that when they say them it won't hurt as bad. I've noticed all minorities do this to themselves. I am here to tell you that if your friends don't stand up to you when you make these jokes about yourself and say "Hey that's not cool to say about yourself." Then you need new friends. I know I do. Otherwise I will forever view myself as Half-Cap.

The author's comments:

My friends are racist wihtout realising it and it takes a toll on my selfesteem. I hope that if you read this article you'l also understand what I'm starting to. 

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