What is Life really About? | Teen Ink

What is Life really About?

November 20, 2015
By AllieIz GOLD, South Bend, Indiana
AllieIz GOLD, South Bend, Indiana
15 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Something that bothers me to an extent. Why? Why do we spend our life working on things we dont want to do? At some point its just going to fall apart. Do you remember the man who told you about the man who saved your ex's dog that one time in December? Whats his name? He did that for you and yet he wont be known by everyone for it. Some people go to work every day hating what they are doing but they do it anyways to get money for a life you had no choice but to have. You had no choice about when you were put in life. Whether you were born in b.c. or now. You dont have a choice. This life? yeah this life is hell. It will always be hell because we, as humans, made it that way. I can promise you that it wont change. Not now, not today, not tomorrow, and not ever. Because we are way to self involved in who has a better phone or who has the prettiest face. Whos going to win the kids choice awards? Whos going to get the next grammy? It wont matter a hundred years from now. People arnt known for the best things. Why live a life in fear and hatred?

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