What Freedom Means to Me | Teen Ink

What Freedom Means to Me

March 18, 2016
By 6amandah SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6amandah SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fresh, fluffy, delicious marshmallows roast with friends and family. Bright stars shine down on you, giving off light in the dark hours. With each individual star, not one goes unnoticed. To me, soldiers represent stars. Soldiers go into work in the dark times. They work together, never leaving anyone behind. They are the reason we enjoy our life. They are the reason for our safety and security. They are the reason for our freedom.

State, family, traditions, jobs, meals, race, religion. Those are all freedoms you have as an American. The perfectly straight pathed lines across the flag show opportunities. No matter what you choose, there is a path for you--with freedom backing you up.

Red. White. Blue. Those are three bold colors that represent American perfectly. Red: power, determination, passion. White: purity, innocence, safety. Blue: trust, loyalty, wisdom. With these colors they are the reason we have freedom.

America: a great country to live in. The American freedoms never die--and they keep getting stronger. And this is something Americans should be thankful for. Freedom is everywhere in America, with everyone working together, this is the reason for our freedom.

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