What Freedom Means to Me | Teen Ink

What Freedom Means to Me

March 18, 2016
By courtneycole SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
courtneycole SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The red, the white, and the blue. The rapid movement of the American flag hangs high for the whole world to see. This is the symbol of peace, faith and unity. This is the symbol of freedom.

Peace comes with children sprinting across the playground playing tag and roaring with laughter. American children grow up to find beauty in nature's freshly sprung flowers that are outside the window. The peace comes with racing down the road in that black 2016 Toyota Camry to the destination of choice. The peace is heard in a cranked up radio of the car with an AUX cord, listening to “Welcome to my House” by Flo Rida.

American freedom is women’s rights and equality. It’s hope and gratitude for the soldiers risking their lives to make sure the unthinkable doesn’t happen. Faith that it won’t. Faith that the United States of America is strong, powerful, and ready to take on anything.

American freedom is the unity of conjoined hands. It’s the unity of people coming together, whether it be for a special event or movie night with buttered popcorn. And it’s a Christmas concert or an Easter egg hunt.

The red, the white, and the blue are so much more than just colors. They are colors that define what America is about: freedom.

The author's comments:

I hope that people will see the many ways we have freedom in our lives as Americans. 

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