Freedom | Teen Ink


March 18, 2016
By Anonymous

America the melting pot all came together to make our  amazing country. We are all one, but we are also so much more. This country is made up of so many things to make it one of the best places to live.

Thanks to the veterans, we can live a free country come and go and do anything we want. If we want to go to a public or a private school, we have that option. We have the option to play games and exercise at recess or sit be lazy and sit at a picnic table.

You can decide how you want to live your life. You can wear cowboy boots and a flannel and drive a jacked up truck with your big light bar or you could put your Js on and drive a slammed cts V. It your decision on what you wanna be no rules stopping you. 

America is a melting pot. It has so many breeds of people that all come together to make a whole. And that why we need to thank our veterans for giving us this freedom. 

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