What People Sacrifice | Teen Ink

What People Sacrifice

March 8, 2018
By garywinthorpe69 BRONZE, England, Alabama
garywinthorpe69 BRONZE, England, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are a lot of different kinds of sacrifices. It could mean little or a lot to them. I sacrificed money to buy my little cousins food. I made that decision because they needed food.

Some people sacrifice their money or maybe their life. Sacrifice can mean to give something up or losing something. Sometimes people give up big things like big amounts of money on a car or a bet or sometimes they sacrifice their life when someone is dying or they jump in front of someone when they are getting shot at. When someone need a kidney another person would probably sacrifice their kidney for the person that needs it. Some people give up their animals because they need food for their family or friends.

When people sacrifice things they get good things out of it or sometimes they get bad things. They sacrifice big things or little things animals for food or a little bracelet for someone special. Sometimes when people sacrifice something they are giving something up either big or little in the meaning of it. To some people it could mean alot to them if its from someone special but to someone random it could mean little or nothing to them.

So sometimes you have to give something up or sacrifice things for yourself or for other people. If there's something you need to sacrifice think about it twice or more to know if its a good idea. Sometimes people sacrifice themselves for other people. But when you do do that think about it over night or in the morning and pick your decision and make sure you picked the right decision. Adios senors y senoras.

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