Is Betrayal Worse from a Family Member or a Loved One? | Teen Ink

Is Betrayal Worse from a Family Member or a Loved One?

October 2, 2018
By parkertyrellj BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
parkertyrellj BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear people curious of the mind,

As the wind strafed the sky like a bird far from land, the two lovers who originally destined their lives to each other was made forth, their love a vain. “My darling I must apologize, but I can't be your lover. My heart yearns for another.” Yeah, cut the cheeky romance trash. In almost every old 1700 romance story there is at least one or more examples of betrayal. With these examples of betrayal, you are most likely asking which kind of betrayal is worse. Betrayal is worse from a stronger, positive relationship because of the fact that trust is easily shattered by a loved one with only one attempt and the longer trust is built the worst the betrayal is.

One reason Betrayal is worse from a stronger, positive relationship is due to the fact that the longer trust is built the worse the betrayal will be. Depending on the length of the relationship and the people involved in the relationship can make a significant impact on the betrayal of 1 person for example  a group of 4 really good friends just found out 2 people like the same person in that group. Often the 2 will fight over who should be with that person while the 4th person completely void of this triangle starts to feel alone and distant from the group. Not only does the variable of time and people can amount to the impact of betrayal. The past and rarely the future can also affect the the impact of betrayal. For example, there's two siblings who are heir to there families company one doesn't want to be the heir and the other desperately wants to be the heir. The one who doesn't want to be the heir ends up becoming the heir and isn't allowed to trade off their position. This sets off the other sibling who desperately wanted to be the heir. This topic often comes up in the eyes of almost every psychologist or therapists at least once. One therapist named Lissa Rankin M.D. wrote an article  stating “the worst kind of betrayal is disengagement” (“The Worst Kind of Betrayal”) Being in a long term relationship with someone only for them to simple stop caring or just ignore you can have the biggest emotional impact to someone.

With the topic of disengagement still at hand, 1 person can easily shatter the relationship between 2 people. A person can become extremely attached to the person that you have been around the longest and all that person has to do is say one simple sentence to ruin everything with the two of you. One person can say “lets break up” and that would shatter the relationship.

Its proven many times that the longer your relationship with that person and how involved you where, can impact the amount of trust you have with that person. “But what if the relationship is strong enough to never break?” and to that i say that not a single relationship is unbreakable.

In conclusion, the statement made previously “Betrayal is worse from a stronger, positive relationship” was proven correct by the facts “Depending on the length of the relationship and the people involved in the relationship can make a significant impact on the betrayal of 1 person” and  also “1 person can easily shatter the relationship between 2 people.” Now this being said you can understand the basics of betrayal and how to avoid or react to it, almost like the lovers in the beginning. So ask yourself, if you get betrayed how will you react?




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