All About Blue Morpho Butterflies | Teen Ink

All About Blue Morpho Butterflies

November 29, 2018
By Calicrum BRONZE, Anderson, Indiana
Calicrum BRONZE, Anderson, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


The Blue Morpho butterfly is one of the largest species of butterflies on planet Earth. Their wingspan can reach five to eight inches! Another noticeable thing about blue Morphos is their beautiful coloring. They are bright blue and easy to recognize. They have an unusual form of camouflage. Whenever they close their wings they reveal a dull brown color, the complete opposite of the top side of their wings. Along with the brown color, there are many eyespots to confuse predators. These eye spots can save the butterfly from becoming prey. They trick their predators into thinking they are something they are not.


The Blue Morpho’s diet changes drastically throughout its entire life. First, the butterfly starts out as a caterpillar. As a caterpillar it chews various types of leaves, but prefers to to eat plants that are a part of the pea family. After the caterpillar undergoes metamorphosis  (the process of changing from a caterpillar to a butterfly), it can no longer chew its food. By Now, the butterfly has developed a mouth-like part that functions similar to an everyday drinking straw. This mouth-like part is called a proboscis. They use their proboscis to sip juice out of rotting fruit, tree sap, fungi, and wet mud. Blue Morphos also have small sensors on their legs that help them taste the fruit or other type of food. Another unique thing about Blue Morphos is their antennas; they serve as a combined tongue and nose.


Blue Morphos are threatened by deforestation. Everyday their homes are being taken from them. This results in a major population decrease. Another way humans are a direct threat to these beautiful butterflies is by trapping, killing, and using them to put on display or in an artwork. Collectors and artists from all over the world seek Blue Morphos to use in projects and displays. Even though, there are many threats caused by humans Blue Morphos have natural threats, too. Two of their main, natural, predators are birds like: The Jacamar and The Flycatcher.

Interesting Facts:

Did you know, there are more existing Morpho species than just the Blue Morpho? There are 29 in total. The other species have equally beautiful colors and patterns. Some of the colors consist of: green, brown, white (which is very rare), and many more. Another interesting fact about Blue Morphos is that only the male butterflies are actually blue. The purpose of the color of the males is to intimidate other, rival, males. The females are brown, and not blue.


Overall, Blue Morpho butterflies are very beautiful and interesting insects. Their diet and appearance changes drastically throughout the course of their 115 day life. Although, many people are growing to love them, they are becoming an endangered species. It is truly hard for people not to become fascinated with the butterflies. This explains why people are wanting to collect them. This is not good, it is damaging the population of the Blue Morphos. On top of that, they are losing more and more of their habitat each and everyday. We need to stop ourselves if we want their beauty to last, before it gets too late!

The author's comments:

Hi, my name is Cali Crum. I chose to write about butterflies because it they are super pretty! Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this! It is appreciated!

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