The Ocean Matters | Teen Ink

The Ocean Matters

January 7, 2019
By ryanarmstrong BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
ryanarmstrong BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The extinction of every sea creature is rare to ever occur in today's world, but in the future the probability gets bigger and bigger. The ocean is as in important, or more important, then land. Most humans don’t realise it but we are dependent on the ocean and what lives in it. I believe the conservation of the ocean and the life inside of it is important.

I take many vacations down to florida due to family living there. We spend majority of it at the beach, playing in the sand or splashing around in the water. I have been to the beach around seventeen times. Every time I visit I notice the amount of trash that keeps adding up. This year I  saw a seagull with a plastic bag on it which prevented it from flying! It showed me most people don’t actually care. One plastic bag or cup from thousands of people each day just adds up. Saying “it’s just one plastic bag” a hundred times a day doesn't seem like “just one bag” anymore.

Some of this doesn't even matter to people. They believe the ocean isn’t really important or humans don’t actually need it. Most of the time though, people are unaware. If more people were aware of how important the ocean really was, we might not have issues like seagulls with bags on them.

A mind blowing idea, at least in my opinion is that plastic bags take up to 1000 years to decompose. If they aren’t floating in the ocean, they’re probably in the stomach of a sea turtle. Fun Fact:sea turtles can’t tell the difference between a plastic bag and a jellyfish. As a kid I used to swing a plastic bag and when air would get inside I would also make the connection that it looked a jellyfish. But turtles aren’t supposed to have to wonder if what they eat is safe, they just assume it is. I believe the conservation of the ocean and the life inside of it is important. These creatures do matter, our oceans does matter.

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