Why You Should Become a Vegan | Teen Ink

Why You Should Become a Vegan

January 22, 2019
By 22al03 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
22al03 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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About 198 animals are “saved” every year, per vegan. If I’m being technical; the animals are really only spared. They’re just less animals produced or killed due to a vegan. When I think about it, producing animals takes up a lot of time, but also water and fuel. Becoming a vegan does not only save animals, but also saves more water. Almost 219,000 gallons worth of water is saved. Now the animals industry is damaging the planet. It is responsible for more greenhouse emissions than the whole world’s transportation system combined. Turning into a vegan helps preserve water, animals, and other resources. It even could help with my health. But it mainly saves our planet. One major goal I want to accomplish for the future is to become a vegan. I will be talking about the reasons why I want to become a vegan. Which are to improve my health, save animals, and help the environment.

Being vegan can improve my health. Now I think I am a fairly healthy person to begin with because I am in sports. I do watch what I eat because of that reason. But my family does have a history of diabetes, and I would like to make that risk as low as possible. So I think veganism is the way to go. Becoming a vegan can really help me get more nutrients into my diet like whole grain, seeds, fruit, and vegetables. Which can really improve my mood and I do tend to be a moody person at times. It can even lower my blood pressure. But not only does being vegan help me get more nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, and improve my health. It can also help me explore the world of cooking. Now I know some people just despise cooking, but I’ve learn to love it. It’s one of the many hobbies my grandma and I enjoy. Being vegan can really help me scout new recipes, or even use something other than the microwave. Some even believe that it can help you live longer, but I know for sure it can make sure animals do.

Veganism can help save animals and wildlife. Many animals are harmed for human purposes like food, cosmetics, and clothing. But when changing what I eat into a plant-based diet can really help spare the lives of hundreds of animals. In the farming industry more than 3 million animals are killed, including endangered animals. Endangered animals are killed because their a potential “threat” to livestock. Now lots of my family happens to go hunting. But I don’t find any fun when going hunting. I can’t stand when animals get hurt either. I’ve cried before when my mom accidentally ran over a bunny. So I am not one to stand for the killing of animals even if they are for food, or even a “threat” to livestock. But it doesn’t end with just cutting meats; egg farming is also a really harsh thing. Hens lay up to 30 times more eggs than they would naturally in egg farming. And over millions of male chicks are killed by the egg production industry alone because they aren’t able to lay eggs. When I turn vegan I can save hundreds of animals and stop animal cruelty, but I can also help clean up the environment.

Changing my lifestyle to become a vegan can help the environment. Deforestation is a big thing happening, land is being cleared for livestock, and feed crops every minute. Animal industry is also responsible for about 91% of Amazon Forest deforestation. It’s not just animals affected either, plants and insects are losing their homes too. By cutting out animal products, I can help other animals, plants, and insects live in their natural habitat. The animal industry is also responsible for most of the leading ocean dead zones. The industry has created over 500 worldwide, and by 2048 fishless oceans might possibly exist. Another industry that is causing harm is the fish farming industry. The fish farming industry is a major issue. But it isn’t just the fish caught that are losing their lives. Other marine species are accidentally captured and killed too. By avoiding fish and meat consumption we can stop the accidental killings of other animals species and still save the ones at risk.

Changing my eating habits so I know what I put into my body can really help me consume healthier foods, and possibly lower any major or minor health risks. Sometimes even lower the risk of diseases that I may be prone to. It can also help me be aware of how many animals are really being killed for our food, necessities, and products we use everyday. Becoming vegan will also help the environment greatly because there is a lot of waste left from animal industries. There is waste everywhere, in the ocean, streets, rivers, and in buildings. It will also help the pollution levels in the air go down. Now all of those statements will become true when I turn vegan and many others do. I really hate to see animals and our planet suffer when we now how to help it. That is why becoming a vegan is a major goal of mine for the future. Now by encouraging just two other people to become a vegan will help save about 396 animals. That is not a lot compared to how many more still to be saved. I really hope that I do happen to accomplish this goal because it would do a lot for me, but also for everything around me.

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