Truth Essay | Teen Ink

Truth Essay

January 31, 2019
By Anonymous

In our world we have many different ideas of what is going on. Even though we don’t know what is really out there or if it really even matters. We as people are always looking at new possibilities to life like new creatures or new places to go, but what do we know what is true and what isn't? After reading The One Who Walk Away from Omelas and Allegory of the Cave it allowed the reader to ponder what things are true and what is not by using our sense of sight. 
As we saw in the story of the city we see how they are able to have all of their happiness and how they don’t like it sometimes. In the story, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, we see how the people know the truth by seeing it themselves. “They feel disgust, which they had thought themselves superior to. They feel anger, outrage, impotence, despite all the explanations. They would like to do something for the child. But there is nothing they can do” (Guin 5). When reading this you notice how the people of this city do not like the truth on how that get their happiness, but they know that it is true because they have seen it with their own eyes and know that it is there. The reader also sees how the people react to the truth and how sometimes seeing it with your eyes doesn’t make you happy. “They leave Omelas, they walk ahead into the darkness, and they do not come back” (Guin 7). After reading this quote the audience understands that the people of the city know it's true that others leave, but they don’t know where they go because they don’t see it for themselves. We also notice how the people never know if they find a better place or not because they never came back. After reading both of these quotes I noticed how people only believed in their happiness and thought it was true because they got to see where it came from. 

When reading Allegory of the cave we see how the other people in the cave don’t believe the one person who went as saw everything for himself. We see how the prisoner started to know that everything was true because he got to go out of the cave and see everything with his own eyes. “Later, however, he would be able to view the things themselves. But within the range of such things, he might well contemplate what there is in the heavenly dome, and this dome itself, more easliy during the night by looking at the light of the stars and the moon” (Sheehan 3). After reading this quote the reader sees how the prisoner now knows that all this outside of the cave is true because he got to experience it himself and got to see it. We also see how the prisoner has a whole new perspective to everything because he got to see things he wouldn’t have even believe if he heard himself. “It is that which governs whatever there is in the now visible region of sunlight; and that it is also the cause of all those things that the people dwelling in the cave have before they eyes in some way or other” (Sheehan 4). After reading this quote we see that the prisoner didn’t even know about the sun but after going out of the cave and seeing it for himself he got to see it and study it and then got to go back and tell the other prisoners about it. After looking and evaluating both of these quotes I noticed how the person in the cave would have never believed it for himself if he didn’t get to see it with his own eyes.  

After reading Allegory of the Cave I noticed that all the prisoners wouldn’t even leave the cave if it was true. In “Allegory of the Cave,” we see how the other prisoners in the cave don’t believe the prisoners who left the cave because it is something they did not see for themselves. “While his eyes are still weak and before they have readjusted, an adjustment that would require quite a bit of time would he not then be exposed to ridicule down there?” (Sheehan 5). After reading this quote you see how he is blinded by the sun and how the prisoners still don’t believe him even though he has all the evidence of seeing something and they still don’t believe him. “And if they can get hold of this person who takes it in hand to free them from their chains and to lead them up, and if they could kill him, will they not actually kill him?” (Sheehan 5). After reading this the reader notices how the prisoners would rather kill the person that would show them the truth and a new way of life just because they don’t want to get blinded for a little. This shows how they will never know what is true and what isn't because they will never get to see it. Based of the evidence from both quotes the reader can see how the prisoners don’t believe the one who left the cave and how the prisoners would rather kill someone to keep their lifestyle. 

In conclusion, the audience sees how in both these stories the only way to know if something is true then you need to use your sense of sight. We also see how the people didn’t like the truth and wouldn’t believe it so to them it wasn’t true, or they would run away from the truth. 

The author's comments:

i really think we never know the truth

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