The Hate U Give Analysis Paper | Teen Ink

The Hate U Give Analysis Paper

February 13, 2019
By Anonymous

At first in The Hate U Give, white people were shown as stuck up people who always gets their way. Although this seems true, not all of them act like that and Angie Thomas shows that by including Chris, the main character’s boyfriend. Starr, the main character, witnesses the death of one of her black childhood friends at the hands of a white officer. The black community is outraged and it seems like white people that aren’t corrupted are a myth, and then comes Chris. He sticks with Starr the whole way even after all the ups and downs and shows that white people can be good-natured and also evil. Angie Thomas accurately portrays white people because she depicts them in a positive and negative light throughout The Hate U Give.

Of the white people that appear in The Hate U Give, Hailey and the father of the cop mentioned before are the awful ones. On page 111, Hailey said to Starr, “‘Hustle! Pretend the ball is some fried chicken. Bet you’ll stay on it then!’” (Thomas) Many would see this as racist as Starr is black and Hailey never apologized for doing it. She just kept saying that it was a joke, but it couldn’t have been because no other black person was playing. The cop’s dad is just as awful. He would lie about the case on national T.V. only for the well being of his son. On page 247, he said in an interview that his son was threatened with the words, “... ‘I’m gon’ show your a** today.’” (Thomas) He lied for someone who shot another man over a hairbrush without even thinking about a taser. He even sounded sincere in that interview. He only seems to care for his son and pretty much his entire race. Hailey and the father of the officer show off the awful side of white people pretty well, but there is a positive side to them too.

Even when all seems wrong for white people, some positives come up and pretty much sets things into neutral, where nothing jumps over the other. Chris is the one creating that balance. The way that Chris is portrayed pretty much combats the depiction of Hailey and the cop’s father. Chris is Starr’s boyfriend and that already takes a lot of effort because Chris and Starr aren’t the same race. Chris put in even more effort to stick with her throughout the whole way. On page 390, Chris had said, “‘I’m staying.’ Chris nods as if he's settling with himself.” (Thomas) Pretty much any other white person in this situation would leave and keep themselves safe, but Chris would put himself in harm’s way for justice for something that doesn’t really apply to him. That’s a great person right there. Although it looks like Chris is the only one, his impact is great enough to equal more. He shows that it’s possible for some pleasant things hidden between the horrible cloud of darkness that seems to surround white people in the book.

In The Hate U Give, Angie Thomas accurately portrays white people by putting them in both an ok and an awful light. Hailey and the father of the officer only care for themselves making them the bad ones. On the other hand, Chris is a wonderful white person. He stuck with Starr and cared for things that really didn’t apply to him like getting justice for Starr’s friend. Normally, we see white people like rich snobs because that’s just how we’ve always seen them, but non-corrupt ones do exist out there and The Hate U Give really shows it.

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