Reliable Friends | Teen Ink

Reliable Friends

February 13, 2019
By spacetard61kk BRONZE, Houston, Texas
spacetard61kk BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In one of us is Lying Karen M. McManus shows us how four students who barely know each other come together in a time of crisis. These four students who each have their own widely varied personalities come through when needed most, support each other in weird ways and McManus also introduces how they overcome challenges presented by authorities and About That.

McManus shows us the difference in each student’s stereotype by comparing them to the real world in a discreet way. With these weird wacky personalities these students come through for each other when needed most. To relate to what happened in the book Nate stood up for cooper when he presented he was homosexual to his school. ‘“You losers seriously give a crap about this? Get a life!”’ Nate presents himself in an awkward way, but he still shows up when his friends need him the most. McManus shows her readers how different stereotypes create a diverse and better world.

McManus shows us how supporting figures in everyone’s daily lives help get through daily struggles. ‘“Why couldn’t it have been apple day”, he mutters.’ It’s an inside joke in the story. Cooper’s friends are trying to get him to feel better after someone tried to humiliate him. Cooper’s friends tried to take his mind off what just happened to him. McManus is trying to show us the supporting figures in everybody’s lives help you to get somewhere you couldn’t get before.

Over time the four who are now suspects of the crime encounter major challenges presented the app About That and law officials. They all come together to defeat these challenges. Some of the problems can mess up their future’s entirely. ‘“You’re free. You’re out. This whole thing was a hoax that’s been blown wide open.”’ One of the major the challenges Nate encounters is going jail being falsely accused. After he’s put in jail they do more research on the case and they find that Nate has been framed. This is just one of the many problems that these characters face.

These characters McManus introduces are vary widely but all have one thing in common. They all stick together with each other through thick and thin. These characters are somehow able to stay mentally sane to help each other through rough patches and to control themselves. They all are going through the same thing mostly which does help them relate to each other. McManus shows that crisis brings out the best in man, the characters show many signs of this through the story.

The author's comments:

This article is analysis for One Of Us Is Lying.

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