Lying Is Not Always the Key | Teen Ink

Lying Is Not Always the Key

February 13, 2019
By AmyNguyen0226 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
AmyNguyen0226 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
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Trying to make new friends is hard enough. Having a famous mom AND making friends seems impossible. Lying to her friends might have been the only option. In this book, “The Go Between by, Veronica Chambers,” Camila, also know as Cammi was born and raised in Mexico with her famous mom. Moving to LA changed the actions and choices that she’s made in a bad way emphasizing her failure, loss of friends, and being a bad role model.


Camila shruggels to fit in and make new friends because people are using her to get to her famous mom by getting autographs, videos, and photos of Camila’s mom. They don’t want to be her friend because of her personality but because of her famous mom. One day, her mom gets a job offer in LA. Moving from one country to another could be tricky. Since Camila couldn’t find friends in Mexico, she assumes that people here in the US are they same. She starts going to school lying to her friends saying, “Oh I get it. Financial aid. They think I’m poor.” ( Pg. 92) She isn’t poor though, she lives in Beverly Hills and wears named brand clothing. The reason why she isn’t saying the truth is because she likes being pampered. She loves all the attention and people feeling sorry for her because all her life, she has never felt that feeling from a friend. Her friends pay for her food, buys her clothes, and are always backing her up because they feel sorry for her.

 In addition, making horrible decisions changes the way people from the outside look at Camila. She’s being a bad role model by not owning up to the truth, but play along and keep lying. It’s not fair to other people who care about her. She has had many opportunities to spit out the truth but she chooses to make bad decisions making it worse for herself. Showing others that it is okay to lie to their friends. Camila even lies to her brother about telling her friends that she is actually rich, “That would have been the perfect moment to just stop it, the lying and the prentending. But i couldn’t stop.” She makes a scene to make it realistic. She has this impression that she can get away with anything if she lies, “I always knew i was going to be a good liar.” - Pg. 96. Lying isn’t always a good thing. Especially if you’re doing it to get attention.

To mention, Camila lies so much that eventually people catch on. Milly exposes Camila infront of everyone. Telling everyone she was rich, her mom isn’t a maid but an actress, and she isnt on scholarship, “She’s not poor,” Milly announced. She’s not on scholarship. Her mother is one of the most famous actresses in Mexico.” - Pg. 157. After getting exposed Camila owned up to her mistakes finally. Although Willow and Tiggy did not forgive her right away, Camila showed them both and Milly that she was in the wrong and made it up to them. Camila threw Milly a block party, “I can do it. I can be that old-lady organizer.” -Pg. 181. Camila apoligized to Willow and Tiggy, “I would like to apologize to Willow and Tiggy. It’s true, I pretended to be something i wasn’t.” People make mistakes, but if those mistakes were made but they’re not owned up to then it shouldn’t be forgiven. Knowing they were in the wrong and fixes it could be forgiven.

All things considered moving from one country to another and finding friends could really mess up the brain. Having the main character make terrible choices and pretend someone she is not. She assumes that people around her won’t like her, but that wasn’t the case. Lying to her friends and making poor choices lead her to realize that not everything is fake.

The author's comments:

I personally like this book because it had a great theme to it. The theme has taught me a lot and will certainly change my desicions in the future.

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