Myth of Music Analysis | Teen Ink

Myth of Music Analysis

March 7, 2019
By Dragonbrother BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, Utah
Dragonbrother BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the Myth Of Music by Rachel M Harper, decomposers a brilliant Palma about music and how it ties of Dora memories of her family. Harper's use of imagery and tone are key in how she explained is complex relationship between the music and her memory.

The tuna the Peace changes with each paragraph, and the tone is giving by the imagery. The imagery in the first paragraph consists of “hardwood floors”, “a damp November,” as well as “an incomplete deck”. This image portrays the idea of dark times and sadness, but there is also the hint of music which furthers that feeling and deepens the memories for the author. the music to accompany and strength them this memory and imagery is one of a horn. The horns sound is familiar to the author and because of that statement, the author says that they don't even know they are listening. That's hint through music Tulsa that this was a normal memory for Harper, and that while it didn't seem important at the time (like the music of the horn) she looks back at it and recognizes how much it means to her. All of these images what and music also relate to work family in a very complex way. The sound of the familiar horn that goes unnoticed is reminiscent of her memories of her father, there but only unconsciously noted.

   In the next paragraph the memories changes just enough to require new music and imagery. The cold floors are gone, they have been replaced by the “warmth of a radiator”, and while though sound like opposite the author the gates that by saying she has forgotten the warmth the radiator, as well as the warmth of her mother. the music to accompany this is mentioned as chords in a distant room. Chords in music or several notes that can provoke a very certain sound and emotion in the listener. While some chords are very harmonic, the ones in this poem are most likely not. Harper is writing about how her mother is gone and so is her warmth, so it makes no sense if the music in the background is happy or uplifting.

While the author misses her mother, she actually mentions her. Harper never mentioned her father which leads readers to believe that he is the music. She is obviously writing this poem to someone as she says “you're spirit, you're call as a declaration of love”, it makes no sense for her to be saying that her readers send her love when she doesn't know them. This conveys the idea that the music is symbolic of someone close to her, and where Harper mentioned both her mother and her brother, there is no mention of her father except in the dedication. The fact that the music is always there but never given an actual name tells the reader that the music is someone close to the author and had a lot of meaning to them as they reinforced every memory.

The music is her family and her memories of them are always underlay by that music. The complex back and forth of that notion is what the author is trying to convey and does a marvelous job on it.

The author's comments:

I wrote this to show what i have learned in my english class, as well as a way to relate to some of my memories of my family and music

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